• The Wildman's Blog

    Stress management through nature

  • Mental health in the workplace


    "In a survey by the Mental Health Foundation, 58% of respondents who have had a mental health problem in the last five years had decided to disclose this to their employer, just over half of the respondents (54%) reported a mainly positive experience. However, 15% reported a mainly negative experience and a shocking 29% of respondents who had chosen to disclose said that they had experienced direct discrimination on mental health grounds.See full article

    Many people are surviving in their day-to-day lives rather than thriving. To help people who are struggling to thrive, including in the workplace we are developing this ‘Wildman’s Wisdom Section of the section.

    • We will be posting regularly in written, filmed and audio. We will challenge you, get you thinking and hopefully facilitate discussions.
    • Mental health issues are widespread, with one in six people experiencing a mental health problem each week at work and during home life too. Often due to but not limited to, stress, anxiety, pressure and depression.
    • Mental health has a negative impact on both employees and employers. To increase employee retention, a stronger focus on mental wellbeing in the workplace could be considered. We all need to be better educated on the signs and symptoms of mental health issues. Managers who have experienced mental health issues are often more confident dealing with employees with similar conditions, and are able to offer them greater levels of support than managers who have not suffered with a mental health issue.
    • More education is needed around mental health within the workplace for employees and employers. There also needs to be a breakdown of the barriers that surround mental health and the stigma that is associated with it.

    Stuart ‘The Wildman’ Mabbutt uses his varied work out in nature and a sensory connection with nature to try and sustain his own health including mental health. ‘The Wildmans Wisdom’ is an outlet to explore the many and varied insights he and we get whilst working out in nature. Often philosophical in tone, they will explore and challenge some of the serious and not so serious questions we all can face regarding mental health, morally and environmentally. In fact, few subjects will be off limits if they are felt worthy of exploration.


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